First Time Appointments

For our first time customers, and those who have not frequently used chiropractics or masseuse services in the past we have posted here our policies.

A. 24 Hour Cancellation Fee
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please notify us as soon as possible and at minimum 24 hours before you appointment. We ask this of our customers, because each slot is a valuable time slot that someone in pain may have utilized. You may cancel your appointment via email, or by calling our office at 985855245. If you call and the phone is not answered due to our staff being occupied or after hours please leave a detailed message with your last name and appointment time.

Example: "This is Mr. X, and I am calling cancel my appointment for this Tuesday 3PM."

B. Free 15-25 Minute Consultation!
You are more than welcome to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors so that he/she may have the opportunity to assess your condition, answer your questions and provide you an explanation how chiropractic, acupuncture or massage may help you with your condition. If you are not satisfied with the consultation, or do not desire the services outlined there is no obligation to continue and you may leave and will not be charged.